Top 13 Inflammatory Foods You Should Avoid

10. MSG

MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a preservative and food additive that enhances flavor in processed foods. It contains fermented starch, corn sugar, molasses, sugar cane or sugar beets .

In the body, MSG is used as a neurotransmitter. Because it’s synthetic, the substance causes cytoplasm swelling, nuclei damage and neuron loss in the brain of unborn children . In adults, it can cause brain swelling, headaches, and allergy-like symptoms . MSG side effects include stomach aches, excessive sweating, trouble sleeping, and more.

In young mice, MSG is known to cause NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and NASH (nonalcoholic steatohepatitis).

Find them in: MSG is very popular in store-bought Asian food as well as food prepared in Asian restaurants. Even “MSG-free” restaurants have been found to use the ingredient.

Substitute: Enhance food with a dash of salt and pepper or give it more flavor with appropriate spices. If you aren’t sure if you favorite Chinese restaurant uses this ingredient, cook Asian food at home.

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