15 home remedies for toenail fungus

How to Stamp Out Toenail and Foot Fungus | Everyday Health

Toenail fungus affects millions of people in the United States. After you’ve had it once, it’s usually easily self diagnosed. Fungal nail infections, also known as onychomycosis, can develop on the skin and nail from a variety of origins. Molds, yeasts, and fungi that come into contact with the body can grow in the cracks of the nail or skin surrounding the toenail. 

Some people contract athlete’s foot from swimming pools and locker rooms. When your feet sweat or remain moist and damp, the opportunity grows for the fungus to breed on your toes or toenails. Fungal skin problems are most common in the summer.

If you develop toenail fungus, your toenail may turn white or present yellow spots and even have an odd or foul odor. An infected nail may also become brittle, jagged, and crumbly. Fortunately, a variety of treatment options for toenail fungus are available, including natural remedies, over-the-counter medicine, and prescription drugs. However, most people start with items they have around the house before purchasing medication or visiting their doctor’s office. 


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