How to Clean a Glass Oven Door

How to Clean Between the Glass on Your Oven Door

You’ve cleaned the inside glass and the outside window is sparkling. But what’s up with that annoying grime stuck in the middle? You’ll have to roll up your sleeves and break out a few tools for this one, but it is possible to get the inside of that glass clean.
You’ll need:

  • Your oven’s manual (You can find this online if you chucked it long ago.)
  • A screwdriver
  • A clean towel or sheet (not a nice one)
  • ½ cup of baking soda
  • Water
  • A small- to medium-sized bowl
  • Microfiber cloths
  • A razor blade (optional)
  • A helper
  1. Open your oven door and look at the screws used to hold it together. Many ovens use star screws, so you may need to run to the hardware store for a star screwdriver before you get started.
  2. Lay your towel on the kitchen floor where you plan to work.
  3. Consult your oven manual to see how to remove the oven door.
  4. Ask your helper to lend a hand taking off the door. (Those things are heavier than you think. Be careful and don’t try to go this alone.)
  5. Lay the door on the towel or sheet with the inside window facing up.
  6. Remove the screws from the door. There are typically two above the window and may also be two on the base of the oven door, depending on the model you have in your home.
  7. Take the door apart and lay the two sides next to each other. The innermost glass of each half of the door should be facing upwards.
  8. Follow the instructions in the above section called How to Clean Your Oven Window on the Inside.
  9. With the assistance of your helper, reassemble and replace the oven door. 

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