

But, if you begin to experience bald spots and if you notice that your hair is thinning – well, that may be an early sign of hair loss.

The most common reasons for hair loss

Both men and women, including children, can experience hair loss. This health condition can affect just your scalp or it can affect your entire body as well. The most common reasons and causes for hair loss are: hormonal changes, medical conditions, medications, heredity, etc. These are the most common reasons for hair loss:

Skin Conditions

There are many different skin conditions and skin problems that can affect your scalp and speed up the hair loss process. The most common skin conditions, that cause hair loss are: seborrheic dermatitis, eczema of the scalp, infection by fungus called Malassezia furfur (causes dandruff), psoriasis of the scalp (autoimmune condition). These skin conditions usually cause flaky and dry skin, and they sometimes cause itchiness.

Hormonal Imbalance

We can easily say that hormonal imbalance is one of the leading causes and one of the most common reasons for hair loss. If the iron levels in your body are low, this can cause some serious problems with your thyroid gland (malfunctioning), which usually leads to your hormones getting out of balance. Well, we can say the same thing for high testosterone levels. They can cause hair loss in both men and women. These symptoms are especially worse in the case of women with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (POS).

Prescription Medication

Did you know that some prescription medications, such as: contraceptives, blood pressure medications, antidepressants, antibiotics, acne medications, chemotherapeutics agents, immunosuppressant’s and pain medications can cause hair loss in both, men and women?

Nutritional Deficiency

Well, deficiency from some vitamins and minerals can cause hair loss and damage the scalp health: B-complex Vitamins, zinc, vitamin d and protein. Lack of these vitamin can be really harmful to scalp health. And some nutritional deficiency, caused by some prescription drugs or digestive conditions (Crohn’s disease and IBS) can cause hair loss as well.


When we are stressed, the blood flow to the scalp is decreased and the hair growth is significantly reduced. The stress makes our bodies to go into fight-fight mode. This means that all important body functions are linked to survival. Did you know that stress can trigger the mental health condition, called trichotillomania? Well, in this type of health condition, the individual pluck out hair as a self-soothing mechanism.

Autoimmune Conditions

Telogen Effluvium – is a name for autoimmune condition. In this type of autoimmune condition, the body pushes the hair follicles into some sort of resting phase, so that they don’t grow and produce hair. Alopecia Areata – this is another autoimmune condition. In this type of autoimmune condition, the immune system of the body attacks the hair follicles, causing large patches of hair to fall out.

Hair Products

Some expensive hair products can affect people who have sensitive skin. These products can be harmful if they contain sulphates or other chemical additives. This is why you should always use homemade natural products, that will nourish your scalp and hair follicles, instead of irritating them with these expensive hair products. In this article we are going to show you how to make the most effective homemade hair mask against hair loss.

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