
Turkey Gravy

  1. 1 32 ounce box chicken broth
  2. Drippings from roasted turkey (optional)
  3. Boiled giblets (water to cover top of meats, about 2 cups) (optional)
  4. 1/2 cup flour
  5. 2 cubes butter
  6. salt and pepper to taste
  1. Let cooked turkey drain for 30-45 minutes, then move to area you will be carving or put on carving plate, set aside.
  2. Pour drippings out of turkey roasting pan into medium sauce pan, scraping as much off the bottom as possible or you can use the turkey roasting pan to prepare your gravy!
  3. Using a medium sauce pan, melt butter over medium heat
  4. Add flour, whisking to break up any lumps
  5. Cook on medium heat and whisk for 5 minutes or so until the flour/ butter mixture is slightly browned
  6. While whisking, add the chicken broth, turkey drippings and giblet juices. (You do not have to use turkey drippings or giblet juices, but your flavor will be richer if you do)
  7. Cook on medium/ medium high to achieve low boil and cook for 5 minutes or until your gravy becomes thick
  8. Take off heat and season with salt and pepper
  9. Be very careful not to over salt!

Source : allrecipes.Com

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