Surprising Uses For Vinegar You Definitely Want to Know About

You're a dirty, dirty, dusty PC | PCWorld

21 – Clean Dusty Computers

Just like most things, our computers tend to get dusty after a while. Unfortunately, computers are rather difficult to clean. Dust seems to refuse to be removed, no matter how much you try to wipe down your laptop.

If you want a truly clean computer, use a little vinegar. First, turn off your computer. Then mix equal parts of white vinegar and water together. Grab a soft cloth and dip it into the mixture, squeezing out as much liquid as you possibly can. Carefully and gently, wipe the cloth over your computer. The vinegar will clear out all that stubborn dust, leaving a shiny laptop behind. If you want to get those stubborn spots around the keys of your keyboard, follow the same process, but use a cotton swab to clean.

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