Surprising Uses For Vinegar You Definitely Want to Know About

How to Treat Sunburn Naturally - Natural Remedies to Soothe Sunburn

17 – Calm Sunburn

Getting a sunburn is frustrating and painful. While you should always wear sunscreen if you’re stepping out on a sunny day, it’s likely you’ll be cursed with an unfortunate sunburn at some point in your life. But instead of just waiting it out while your skin suffers, soothe your sunburn with a bit of vinegar.

Pop a bottle of distilled apple cider vinegar into the fridge. Once it’s cool, pour it onto a soft cloth and gently pat your burned areas. The vinegar has properties that can help to minimize peeling and itching. While the bright red color won’t go away, the vinegar will make you a little more comfortable while you wait for your sunburn to fade.

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