A physician can provide an official Type-2 diabetes diagnosis through an A1c test. This test provides a measurement of blood sugar levels of a period of 2-3 months. Those that are already experiencing symptoms related to Type-2 diabetes may receive a blood glucose test to determine the current levels of sugar in the blood.
Type-2 diabetes does not have to be a death sentence if people are willing to take control of their health. Unlike Type-1 diabetes, Type-2 diabetes can be controlled without the use of insulin. It just requires a commitment to improving health.
type and amount of food consumed does affect blood sugar levels. For this reason, it is important that people diagnosed with Type-2 diabetes adopt a healthy diet. It is best to consume lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and lean sources of protein. Reducing the consumption of fats and sweets is highly recommended.
For many people, a Type-2 diabetes diagnosis requires a change in dietary habits. The assistance of a nutritionist or dietician is a valuable resource for those seeking assistance with controlling their Type-2 diabetes via diet.
Leading an active lifestyle can greatly improve the overall health of those with Type-2 diabetes. A simple regimen of exercise for 30 minutes a day can reduce blood sugar levels as well as improve the body’s use of insulin. Exercise also reduces the risk of heart disease and controls weight.
There are instances where diet alone is not enough to control Type-2 diabetes. There a variety of oral medications that help control blood sugar levels. In some cases, Type-2 diabetics may use insulin if their pancreases are no longer able to make insulin when blood sugar is high. A physician can determine the best treatment plan for Type-2 diabetes.
In order to treat Type-2 diabetes effectively it is important to recognize the signs of this disease and obtain treatment immediately.