Check out All These Amazing Things Salt Can Do for You!

Salt is the most important ingredient in any tasty food. But did you know that salt can also be used for a variety of other purposes? Cooking is not the only thing salt drastically improves. And the best thing?  You already have this amazing product in your household. After all, no one can go without it, right?

Once you have read through some of these amazing tricks and learnt how to make your life a lot easier, you will forever be thankful for finally making use of this often-overlooked potential.

Another great thing about salt is the fact that it’s very cheap. You won’t have to spend large amounts of money on it like you would with more fancy household helpers.

1. Salt works as a deodorant for your refrigerator

Simply mix a tablespoon of sparkling water and salt and splash some of this mixture into your refrigerator. This is not only 100% natural and safe for your food items as there are no chemicals being used, but the odor is much fresher. You will notice the difference every time you open the door.

Salt helps against mold and bacteria, two of the main reasons for the potentially bad smells in your fridge. Needless to say, you still have to make sure you clean all the shelves regularly. Salt will not help in dirty environments.

Please make sure to keep the refrigerator at a constant temperature and connected to the electricity grid. Frequent temperature changes cause a lot of fluid accumulation which in turn creates a good environment for bacteria and mold to thrive.

2. Powerful cleaning agent for brass and copper

Mix salt, flour, and vinegar, and voila, you have got yourself a powerful cleaning substance for brass and copper items. All you have to do is to rub the paste into the metal and let everything sit for an hour before washing the salt mixture off with plenty of water. Once you dry your items with a soft cotton cloth everything will be shiny and look as good as new.

Keep in mind, however, that there are a few differences between brass and copper. While copper is a pure metal, brass is actually made of copper and zinc. The reason why both are popularly used for kitchen items is their anti-bacterial properties which make them particularly hygienic for preparing and storing food.

3. Extend the life of your brooms!

This is especially helpful for new brooms: Mix salt and warm water and dip the broom into this liquid. Make sure to keep the hair of the broom submerged for at least one hour, once a week.

There are commercial ammonia and soap solutions available for this purpose but they have the obvious drawback of ammonia’s aggressive and potentially harmful side effects (especially a problem if you have kids in your home)

4. Use salt to lengthen the lifespan of artificial flowers

Artificial flowers usually stay in good shape for a long time. That being said, the usual dust and other debris will cause some issues after a while. The best way to clean artificial flowers is by only applying water and a little bit of salt. Do not use soap or other artificial products as they may ruin the way your flowers look by causing harm to the plastic.

Needless to say, you still have to be careful not to do damage your flowers. Do not use boiling hot water as this might also cause problems.

5. Use salt to treat brand-new wicker furniture

Wicker furniture is beautiful, but can often turn yellow when being exposed to the sun. If you recently bought this type of furniture you can rub the material with a warm saltwater mixture. All you then have to do is to make the furniture dry out in the sun.

If you want, you can also add some vinegar to the mixture. In this case, you have to wash the furniture with some water after around 2 hours of letting the vinegar and salt do their magic.

Good news for everyone that already uses wicker furniture and has noticed it becoming darker over time: Instead of salt you can use white wine, baking soda, and lemon juice as a cleaning tool. It is best to apply this mixture with a sponge.

Even though this mixture seems a bit weird at first glance, it is actually very powerful. You will be amazed by how good it works.

6. Remove red wine 

Oh my god, everyone’s absolute nightmare. Red wine on a white carpet! What you can do to get rid of this mess is to apply white wine to the carpet to lighten up the color. Then use cold water and a sponge to remove as much of the wine as possible. Once you are done, you need to wait for 10 minutes before applying salt to the “scene of the accident”.

Leave the salt for around 2 hours, if you really want to get rid of the red stains you will have to cover everything in salt. Then you can clean everything up with a vacuum cleaner. Instead, you can also use a brush to get the job done.

Soda also helps against wine stains and can be used as a backup option in case salt isn’t available.

7. Use salt to remove watermarks on wooden furniture

Wooden tables are beautiful but can be hard to clean up. Especially water stains are notoriously hard to get rid of. This is another situation in which salt can help you make your life a lot easier.

Make a paste of salt and water and rub it into the stains. Once you are done removing the stains a fresh coat of varnish should be applied to make the wood look as good as new.

In case there are serious stains and other dirt you can try using bleach. Simply apply it with a toothbrush but be careful, bleach is an aggressive compound.

8. Breath new life into your old sponges 

Sponges are a typical throw-away product. Most of us use them for a few weeks and then throw them away once they look a bit worn out. If you want to freshen up your old sponges and extend their usefulness you can submerge them in salt water for a few minutes. After that, they will smell and feel much better than before.

Once again, lemon juice is also very useful for this task. If you are planning to use lemon juice you have to microwave your sponge while having it soaked in the juice. Can you imagine how nice your sponge will smell after this?

Always make sure to rinse the sponge off properly after applying the cleaning mixtures.

9. Sprinkle salt on the surface of fruits to avoid browning

Especially apples are known for turning brown almost instantly after being cut. This is annoying if you want to prepare a breakfast- or lunch box as you will always be greeted with brown apples (also happens with other fruits).

Salt can deliver another life hack in this situation. Simply submerge the fruits in saltwater, then rinse them off with regular water so there is no salty aftertaste present in the fruits.

Did you know, that the darkening is actually down to some fruits and vegetables oxidizing after coming in contact with oxygen? This is not dangerous but certainly makes fruits much less appetizing.

Never forget to rinse these fruits before you cook or consume them.

10. Allow your kids to make their own paint

This is a really cool trick not many people know about. Simply mix flour, salt and water and you have the perfect foundation for creating colours all alone at home. Your kids will love it!

All you have to do is use juice powder or Jell-o to then colourize the mixture according to your wishes.

One of the best aspects of this paint is that it’s completely safe even in case one of the kids decides to treat his or her paint as a snack.

Jell-O can be mixed with water until the desired texture is reached. This type of paint is even easier to make and also easier to clean up in case something went wrong.

11. Get rid of pesky ants!

Ants are a very annoying problem many people face in their households. Fortunately salt can help you deal with these nasty little buggers. Take a small plastic bottle, mix some water and salt and spray all the areas that the ants use to congregate.

Alternatively, you may also use chalk to get rid of ants. This is not a particularly elegant option however as you have to draw a thick line of chalk on the areas you want to keep safe from ants.

And if everything fails, more complicated options include lavender branches (may be hard to get depending on where you live) or essential oils. These can also be applied to the areas in which ants normally congregate.

12. Do yourself and others a big one, and remove the bad smells from your shoes!

As we have learned before, salt can be used to eliminate odours. If you have a favourite pair of sneakers or boots that you love to wear all the time this might be a great option for you in order to avoid your shoes from becoming too smelly.

The best way to use salt for this purpose is to place it in a small bag (of cloth, or tissue) and then place the bag in the shoe regularly. You can do that every evening after coming back home, so the salt can work its magic during the night and you wake up to a pair of fresh shoes.

You can also try combining salt with baking soda as this might produce even better results.

Talcum powder is a substitute for baking soda and salt and is often used as part of commercial shoe cleaners.

13. Salt helps getting your windows spotlessly clean

Mix salt, warm water and lemon in a big bucket and use this mixture to clean your windows. Unlike regularly cleaning products it’s totally natural and no aggressive chemicals are needed.

Your windows will not only look spotlessly clean, but the mixture also gives your whole house a pleasant scent.

Just keep in mind, that you have to wash your windows with pure water once you are done cleaning with the lemon and salt mix. You can also add some vinegar in case your windows are very dirty.

This inexpensive, natural cleaning solution also works on mirrors and other smooth surfaces. Just try it out!

14. Pimp your candles

Soak your candles in salt water for a few hours! Yes, this sounds strange, we totally agree. But it works! The salt removes some of the excess water stored in the candles and helps to prevent leaking as there is less liquid released when burning after applying salt.

You can also try placing coarse grains of salt at the wick in order to prevent leakage and to make the candles burn longer.

Make sure to give your candles enough time to dry out after applying the saltwater, otherwise, they won’t burn properly. If you are in a hurry and you don’t have the time to apply saltwater, you can also place the candles in a refrigerator. This also improves the longevity of the candle while still ensuring it burns properly.

15. Use salt as relieve against itching mosquito bites

Some people are incredibly sensitive to mosquito bites and will feel a strong urge to itch for quite a long time after being bitten. Did you know that simply playing your wet finger in some salt and pressing on the mosquito bite with it can help? Next time you wake up at night unable to fall asleep due to the itching of a fresh bite simply try this trick.

This not only works against mosquito bites but also against bites from other insects.

The best way to deal with annoying bites is obviously prevention, so make sure you spray your bedroom to get rid of annoying and potentially even dangerous animals.

16. Salt can be used to clean aquariums

Regular cooking salt helps remove build-up mineral stores in your aquarium. All you need to do is use salt and a brush to clean everything properly and then properly rinse the aquarium until all the salt has been washed out.

Be careful not to damage the biological ecosystem of the aquarium. Use a spotless material to wipe everything clean.

17. Extend the life span of your toothbrush

Dip your toothbrush in saltwater for a few hours. What this accomplishes is easy: It kills off certain bacteria and other germs and gives your toothbrush a fresh smell. In turn, you can use your toothbrush much longer than you normally would and save some money.

Needless to say, you still have to clean your toothbrush properly after each use. Baking soda or mouth wash can help for a more thorough cleaning every couple of days or once a week. All you have to do is to again dip the toothbrush in the cleaning solutions and give it a good scrub with your fingers.

Make sure to rinse your toothbrush thoroughly after applying baking soda. Keep in mind, that it’s healthy for your teeth and gums to replace your toothbrush regularly. Salt can not prolong the toothbrush’s life circle indefinitely.

18. Cleaning your teeth

Do you prefer avoiding products containing chemicals? Then it’s maybe time to make your very own toothpaste! Yes, you heard right. Fine salt, baking soda and a little bit of water is the secret recipe for homemade toothpaste.

It’s very uncommon to brush your teeth like that but at the same time, it is very environmentally friendly and works just like “real” toothpaste. Of course, you can also use this recipe when you have run out of regular toothpaste and don’t want to go to the store just yet.

You can also use this combination to clean any dental proteases. Simply add more water and place your dentures in the cleaning liquid overnight.

Saltwater can also be used as a mouthwash. It is scientifically proven to work against all sorts of germs and helps your mouth flora stay healthy and in balance.

19. Keep your kitchen clean by sprinkling salt into your frying pan

One of the hardest things to clean is the residue leftover from frying food in the kitchen. Surfaces become oily and sticky, attracting other residues in turn as well as dead insects. One way to reduce this unpleasant grease is to add a little salt prior to placing your meat or vegetables in the pan. That way there will be significantly less oil sprinkling out of the pan. This not only helps keep your kitchen clean but also stops the unpleasant sensation of having hot cooking oil touching your skin.

Some people also use flour for this purpose. The trick works just the same, add some of it after heating up the oil – just before placing your food in the pan.

The reason why these tricks work is simple, both salt and flour bind water. Water in turn is the reason why oil sprinkles out of the pan.

20. Check the freshness of eggs

You can easily see how fresh your vegetables are. The same cannot be said about eggs. But did you know, that you can check the freshness of an egg by placing two teaspoons of salt in a bowl of water? All you have to then do is to place the egg in the bowl. If the egg sinks it is definitely very fresh. If it drifts upwards very strongly, the egg is quite old and possibly shouldn’t be eaten anymore.

Another great tool to check the freshness of an egg is the sound. Shake the egg close to your ear and if you hear a wobbling sound inside, that’s another indicator that the egg should be thrown away as it is too old to be eaten.

Eggs are best stored at a temperature range of 8°C  and 18°C. If kept in a cool spot, eggs can last for up to a month depending on how fresh they are when being bought.

No matter how fresh the eggs are, it is essential to properly heat them through before eating them as there is always a chance of dangerous bacteria build-ups (especially salmonella).

21. Salt saves your time when boiling food

Always add a little bit of salt when boiling food. This not only enhances the taste, but also saves you time. The reason behind this is scientifically proven: Adding salt lowers the heat capacity of the water while also raising the boiling point. That being said, the difference is likely not that large. The main reason for adding salt to your water is the taste of the food!

Baking soda can also be used for this purpose. It acts in the same way as salt and reduces the heat capacity of the water making it heat up quicker. Baking soda also adds more flavour to vegetables. Once again, a combination of salt and baking soda is a great trick for your household needs.

Keep in mind that excessive salt consumption is unhealthy. If you add salt to your boiling water you should reduce the amount of salt you add later on. Another way to reduce salt consumption is to lower the amount of salt used for cooking and only add salt later when eating. That way you can make sure everyone only eats as much salt as he really wants.

22. Freshen up your kitchen chopping board

Cutting boards are perfect places for bacteria and other germs to multiply and spread. This is exactly why you should properly clean them regularly. Especially wooden cutting boards require extra care as they are not as smooth as plastic or metal boards and allow for more germ accumulation.

To clean cutting boards one of the best combinations is once again baking soda and salt. Mix around 4 parts of baking soda with one part of salt and add a little water to produce an easy to use washing paste.

Make sure to rub the cutting board properly and once you are done leave the baking soda and salt sit for around 30 minutes to an hour. Then rinse thoroughly use a moist fabric to clean up any remaining salt and baking soda.

Most experts recommend cleaning your cutting board at least once a week.

23. Make washing spinach easier

Cleaning spinach leaves can be hard. There is often soil build-up and tap water alone makes it hard to properly get rid of all of it. Have you tried using saltwater instead? Saltwater has anti-bacterial properties and helps remove dirt. After you are done rinse the spinach once again with regular tap water. After this, you can cook or fry the spinach according to your personal preferences.

Spinach is a real superfood. You should definitely make it a part of your regular diet. The reason? Spinach is rich in iron and vitamin C and offers plenty of fibre while having a low energy density. The green in the spinach also serves as a great antioxidant that can help your body.

25. Use salt to clean up the soleplate of your iron

This is a problem everyone faces. The soleplate of the iron always tends to feel “sticky” and seems to become unpleasant after using the iron for a while. To make it smooth and feel brand new you can sprinkle some salt on a paper sheet. Then all you have to do is press the paper against the soleplate and give it a good rub.

There is also Marseille cleanser available for this if the salt doesn’t work. But don’t worry, it usually does a great job. Needless to say, using salt is also way more cost-efficient than buying any specialized products from the store.

Make sure to use a soft fabric to clean up your soleplate as, despite being made from metal, they can be quite sensitive.

Yellow stains can be removed by rubbing half a lemon against the soleplate. The acidity of this citrus fruit is perfect for this job.

All the cleaning agents, no matter if it’s salt or lemon must be properly washed off before using the iron as the heat will otherwise cause them to burn, resulting in even worse stains on your iron and your clothes.

26. Use salt to deal with perspiration stains

Especially dark clothes can often be ruined by white residue leftover from sweating. This also works against yellow spots on white clothes! What you have to do is to dissolve salt in a small amount of hot water. Then submerge a soft cloth into the salt solution and rub the stains on your clothes. The mess vanishes very quickly and you can weak your clothes once again without having to give them a full wash.

Baking soda also helps with stains. Two tablespoons of this amazing substance mixed into 100 ml of water offers the best results. You can also use this method to prepare clothes for the washing machine. If you worry about the machine not removing all of the stains.

Many ready-made strain removers contain aggressive chemicals which can be avoided by using salt and baking soda.

27. Deal with unpleasant smells after preparing onion or garlic

Onion and garlic are extremely smelly and even washing your hands with soap and water for a few minutes is often not enough to get rid of the bad smells these two key ingredients leave on your hands. The best way to get rid of this unpleasant odour is to prepare your hands with salt before washing them with soap. Just make sure to properly rub the salt into your hands. You won’t have to use a large amount, depending on how bad the smell is, only a few sprinkles may be enough. After you are done with the salt rub you can simply use soap and water and voila, the smell is gone!

Apart from salt, you can also use the coffee waste left behind after boiling the popular breakfast drink. Make sure to let it cool down first obviously. Coffee grounds work just like salt. Just rub your hands with it and then rinse off with water and soap.

Are you smoking cigarettes? Then you can use these tricks for getting rid of cigarette smells as well. Rubbing salt also helps remove the yellow stains left behind by tobacco smoke.

28. Salt serves as an all-natural air freshener

Ok, we admit. Salt is only part of the trick. What you need is a cup of salt and some essential oil. Simply blend everything together and you will soon enjoy a fresh smell in your house. If you don’t have essential oil you can also use flower petals or the skin of an orange as a totally natural deodorizer.

Especially during the winter months and the Christmas holidays, you can also use spices to scent your home. Heat up spices like cinnamon and cardamon and place them in the salt. Obviously vanilla is also great for this purpose. Your guests will be amazed by the all-natural scent in your home.

29. Clean your kitchen sink

Synthetic substances are usually the go-to solution for kitchen sinks but they really are not necessary. The all-natural lemon and salt combo does the job even better and is not only way cheaper but also more natural and safe. If you want, you can also add some baking soda to the mix, this is especially helpful when dealing with very persistent stains.

The key to cleaning your sink is to use a wet table cloth and moisturize the surface that you want to clean. Then sprinkle salt, baking soda and lemon juice on it and use a sponge to give it a good rub. Once you are done and satisfied with the results you can rinse everything off.

With more persistent stains letting everything sit for a few minutes (or even a full hour) is the way to go. Who knew that a shiny, perfectly clean sink is that easy to accomplish?

30. Deal with your dandruff problem

Salt is amazing against greasy hair and dandruff! Rup some salt into your hair and let it sit for a few minutes. Then use your regular shampoo to wash everything off. You can also rinse using only water if you prefer the “no-poo” approach. Use salt and save a lot of money by not buying expensive dandruff remedies that often don’t even work.

Honey is another great all-natural alternative to using special dandruff shampoo. When using honey you have to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in some warm water and then massage your scalp thoroughly. Let the honey do its magic and then wash everything off with water (and shampoo).

Essential lemon oil and yoghurt is also a powerful combination that has been used to treat hair and scalp problems. Even though this seems quite experimental, it is perfectly safe.

No matter which natural remedy you are deciding to use, make sure nothing gets into your eyes as despite being totally natural, these remedies will cause eye irritations.

31. Deal with stains in your bathroom

It works just as well it does for your kitchen sink. All you have to do is mix some salt and turpentine and start rubbing the affected surfaces. Make sure to use elastic gloves and ventilate the room properly as the turpentine can be quite irritating to your skin and airways.

White wine vinegar works well to remove limescale build-up and also kills germs. Important when using vinegar is patience, you have to give it around 30 minutes before rinsing everything off with plenty of water. After the vinegar treatment, you should give the whole surface a good rub down with a soft cloth for some extra shininess.

32. Clean your vases and plant pots

Salt helps against mud and other residues. Salt can either serve as a replacement for regular cleaning or be used to loosen up the dirt before washing the pot with water. Vinegar water also helps with this.

Once you are done cleaning your vases you can use WD-40 (a popular lubricant) to make your vases waterproof and resistant to future stains, contaminations and unpleasant discolourations. This is best done on outdoor pots only as the WD-40 might cause some unpleasant odours if used indoors.

33. Deodorize your coffee grinder

When using coffee grinders or fully automated coffee machines there is often an unpleasant smell coming from the grinding mechanism. The reason for that is a build-up of bacteria and other germs. Coffee contains oily compounds that serve as a great breeding ground for germs. Salt helps you to deal with that. Simply use around half a cup of salt and mix it with some water and let it run through the grinding mechanism. Make sure this is safe in case of using a coffee machine first. Regular, manual coffee grinders will be unharmed by the saltwater treatment.

You can also use salt for the other elements of the coffee machine like the waste removal box for example.

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