
15 home remedies for toenail fungus

How to Stamp Out Toenail and Foot Fungus | Everyday Health

Toenail fungus affects millions of people in the United States. After you’ve had it once, it’s usually easily self diagnosed. Fungal nail infections, also known as onychomycosis, can develop on the skin and nail from a variety of origins. Molds, yeasts, and fungi that come into contact with the body can grow in the cracks of the nail or skin surrounding the toenail. 

Some people contract athlete’s foot from swimming pools and locker rooms. When your feet sweat or remain moist and damp, the opportunity grows for the fungus to breed on your toes or toenails. Fungal skin problems are most common in the summer.

If you develop toenail fungus, your toenail may turn white or present yellow spots and even have an odd or foul odor. An infected nail may also become brittle, jagged, and crumbly. Fortunately, a variety of treatment options for toenail fungus are available, including natural remedies, over-the-counter medicine, and prescription drugs. However, most people start with items they have around the house before purchasing medication or visiting their doctor’s office. 


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15 home remedies for toenail fungus

First, prepare your nails for treatment by trimming and filing them once a week. Clipping toenails relieves pressure on the nails and helps antifungal solutions penetrate the nail. Use traditional toenail clippers and an emery board to keep nails short and thin. Maintaining trimmed, clean, and dry nails will be essential in treating toenail fungus and preventing it in the future. 

A proactive approach to keeping your feet clean and dry can prevent the spread of toenail fungus. You can wash or soak feet with warm soapy water or a foot bath using everyday household items to treat your foot fungus condition. Soaking your feet in an all-natural, homeopathic concoction can be beneficial in reducing or eliminating toenail fungus. 

These are common home remedies for toenail fungus:


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1. Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide can kill fungus that grows on toenails. You can directly wipe hydrogen peroxide on your infected toes or toenails with a clean cloth or cotton swab. Hydrogen peroxide can also be used in a foot soak. Mix ⅛ cup of hydrogen peroxide (or several capfuls) to four cups of cool water and soak feet for 10 to 20 minutes. Rinse feet with warm water and pat dry.

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2. Black tea

Soaking feet in plain tea can also be beneficial in treating toenail or foot fungus. Black tea contains tannic acid that dries out the feet, kills bacteria, and helps to close the foot’s pores to reduce sweating. Boil two quarts of water then add 5 to 6 tea bags. Allow the tea to cool and soak feet for 30 minutes. Use this foot soak daily if desired.

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3. Apple cider vinegar

Another home remedy to treat toenail fungus includes the use of apple cider vinegar. Vinegar is an antifungal that can be mixed with water to create a foot soak. Try two parts vinegar to one part warm water and soak feet for 20 minutes daily. For a more potent foot soak, the ratio could be one part vinegar to one part water. 

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4. Baking soda 

Add baking soda to a foot soak to heal the affected nail. You can also make a paste of baking soda with a minimal amount of water and apply it directly to the foot. Allow the paste to sit on the affected area for 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and dry the foot thoroughly.

Baking soda can also be sprinkled onto the foot or in the shoes like foot powder. Once you apply baking soda to your dry foot, put on clean socks; the baking soda can wick away moisture while healing properties work to reduce toenail fungus.

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5. Epsom salt

Soaking feet in an Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) bath can be beneficial to relieve your foot fungus. You can mix one cup of Epsom salt to two quarts of warm to hot water and soak feet for 10 to 20 minutes. You could also try a more elaborate Epsom salt concoction that includes:

  • 4 cups warm to hot water
  • ½ cup Epsom salt
  • ½ cup baking soda
  • ¼ cup hydrogen peroxide
  • ¼ cup vinegar

Mix all of the ingredients and soak feet for 15 to 20 minutes. Essential oils are a great addition to foot baths. Essential oils with healing properties to treat foot fungus are listed below. Following your foot soak, rinse your feet with clean water and pat dry with a clean towel. To avoid contaminating clean feet, put on clean socks and shoes following your foot bath.

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6. Clean socks and shoes

Regularly changing your socks and shoes can also cut down on the growth of unwanted foot fungus. Both socks and athletic shoes can also be washed in hot water to rid the growth of yeasts and fungi that may be growing on the fabric. Some shoes can be machine dried. Drying shoes in the sun is another option when cleaning footwear.

Adding a half of a cup of baking soda or one cup of vinegar to the washing machine can help eliminate bacteria or fungus on socks or shoes.

Boots and other footwear that are not machine washable could be wiped out with a vinegar and water solution or sprayed with an over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal spray. Medicated powders are also helpful in treating shoes for foot fungus. 

Allowing the feet to breathe by taking off shoes and socks when possible can prevent fungal growth. Protect your feet by wearing breathable footwear and clean socks. Antimicrobial socks and shoes made from bamboo, copper, or specialty fabrics are also available. They can help reduce unwanted bacteria and yeast from growing in your footwear. 

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7. Essential oils

Essential oils are gaining popularity in homeopathic treatment to heal a variety of common ailments. Many essential oils have antibacterial and antifungal properties. Some essential oils that could help reduce toenail fungus include:

  • Tea tree oil
  • Clove oil
  • Clary sage oil
  • Jasmine oil
  • Lavender oil
  • Ylang-ylang oil
  • Eucalyptus oil
  • Cinnamon oil
  • Lemon oil
  • Lemongrass oil
  • Thieves oil
  • Wild oregano oil

Dilute essential oils with a carrier oil, like coconut oil or olive oil, before applying them to the skin. Mix the desired oil or combination of oils with a carrier oil of your choice and apply a few drops to the affected nail. As previously mentioned, you can also add two to three drops of essential oils to foot baths.

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8. Ozonated oils 

Ozonated oils, such as olive and sunflower oil, contain ozone gas. The idea is that ozone delivers oxygen to the affected areas, which kills bacteria and stimulates skin cells for faster healing. One study found that ozonated oil is an effective home remedy for toenail fungus. Researchers tested ozonized sunflower oil on 101 samples of yeast. The oil was effective against several fungal strains. To try this remedy, clean and dry your foot first. Gently massage a small amount of ozonated oil into the skin, working it into the affected nails and around the entire toe.

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9. Olive leaf extract 

Olive leaf extract contains oleuropein, which is a natural antifungal and antimicrobial. A salve made from the olive leaf can be applied to the toenails to reduce infection. You may also swallow capsules containing the extract to boost the immune system and treat toenail fungus systemically. Approximately two olive leaf extract capsules can be taken twice a day for an extended period. Consult your doctor before taking olive leaf extract. 

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10. Snakeroot extract

Snakeroot extract, made from plants in the sunflower family, is an all-natural antifungal homeopathic treatment also used to treat toenail fungus. Commonly used in Ayurvedic practices in India, snakeroot extract can be applied directly to the affected toenail. Apply the extract 2 to 3 times a week for several months. Ask your physician if snakeroot extract is right for your type of foot fungus. 

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11. Zinc

Zinc oxide (Zinc coupons) is a mineral that can treat fungal infections. As a skin protectant, miconazole-zinc oxide can be sprayed or applied to the affected area to fight infection and reduce signs of foot fungus. Check with your doctor to see if adding zinc to your foot care regimen is right for you.

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12. Garlic

Garlic is a potent antimicrobial plant. For topical treatment, chop cloves of garlic and leave it on the affected nails for 30 minutes. Use raw garlic sparingly, as it can result in a chemical burn.

Ask a pharmacist about herbal supplements that contain garlic. These supplements can be taken orally to not only treat skin infections but also high blood pressure, heart disease, certain cancers, and prevent tick bites. Garlic supplements should not be taken by people with stomach ulcers, digestion problems, or bleeding disorders. It might also make birth control pills less effective. Talk to a healthcare professional before taking oral garlic supplements.

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13. Cornmeal

Cornmeal has some antifungal properties. You can try applying cornmeal as a paste or a soak. For a paste, dissolve cornmeal in warm water in a shallow pan. Let the paste cool before using it on your feet. Let it sit for an hour. As a soak, add an inch of cornmeal to a shallow container. Pour an inch of warm water on top of the cornmeal, letting the cornmeal and water mix naturally for an hour. Then, add enough warm water to cover your entire foot and let it soak for an hour. You can try cornmeal as a weekly home remedy for toenail fungus.

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14. Diet

Your current diet could be feeding fungus caused by Candida overgrowth. Here are some diet changes you can make to starve the yeast and improve toenail fungus:

  • Cut out sugar
  • Don’t drink alcohol
  • Limit your carbohydrates to one cup a day
  • Cook with coconut oil
  • Incorporate ginger and garlic
  • Supplement with a probiotic

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15. Exercise

Regular exercise can expedite the healing process. As blood pumps faster through the body, it releases natural vitamins and flushes toxins. Just be sure to practice proper hygiene to avoid making toenail fungus worse. Wear socks that wick away moisture, use antifungal foot powder, remove shoes immediately after a workout to let feet breathe, and wear sandals in shower rooms or pools. Remember to wash your feet with antibacterial soap and completely dry your feet after your shower.

Over-the-counter toenail fungus treatment options

While home remedies can be the cure you are looking for to treat toenail fungus, they’re not regulated or approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Over-the-counter antifungal medication is available in the form of creams, sprays, and medicated nail polish. Home remedies can often enhance the efficacy of these products.

Vicks VapoRub

One of the more popular over-the-counter remedies for treating toenail fungus is Vicks VapoRub. Mentholated salves contain the natural ingredients menthol, eucalyptus oil, and camphor. Use Vicks alone or in conjunction with other treatments and medications. Clean feet first and then apply Vicks daily.


Soaking an infected nail in Listerine can also help reduce or kill toenail fungus. Commonly used as a mouthwash, Listerine applied to the affected toe or toenail for 20 minutes twice a day can effectively reduce signs of onychomycosis. 

Side effects of toenail fungus medication

One of the many benefits of using a homeopathic remedy is that there are little to no adverse side effects. Topical ointments often prescribed to treat toenail fungus can potentially burn or blister the skin. Oral medications for treating onychomycosis can cause liver or gastrointestinal damage. First, read the medication guide to find a list of potential side effects. Then, consult your pharmacist, physician, or specialist if you are still concerned about the side effects. 

When to see a doctor about toenail fungus

If you are still experiencing stubborn toenail fungus, you may need to see a specialist. A dermatologist or podiatrist may be able to assess your symptoms and send a small sample of the affected toenail or flesh to a laboratory to be analyzed.

There are various types of fungi and yeasts that cause onychomycosis. Knowing the specific cause of your foot fungus can help identify what route to take to treat your condition.

Nail changes can also be caused by underlying conditions, like psoriasis and diabetes. As always, it’s important to seek professional medical advice if your condition persists or worsens. Bacterial and fungal infection of the skin in diabetes patients often results in hospital admissions and, in severe cases, can result in amputations.

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