
Flush Pounds of Excess Bloat From Your Colon With This 3-ingredient Cleanse

Cleanses are some of today’s hottest health trends. The well-respected Dr. Oz recommends cleanses for everything from detoxifying the skin (no dairy, no carbs) to increasing energy (no caffeine and no carbs for 10 days). But some of the most popular cleanses are intended to detox the colon.
WebMD explains colon cleanses date to ancient Greece, when people used cleanses to rid the body of excess mucus and undigested food. In the 21st century, some still believe colon cleanses treat symptoms of fatigue, head ache, low energy, and weight gain. There is also evidence that the nervous system is effected by the bowls, and therefore, colon cleanses can have positive benefits that include an improved mental outlook and stronger immune system.
Kerby Mellon of the blog Healthy Body 23 recommends drinking a homemade solution every single morning to cleanse your colon and start your day balanced and afresh.
Mellon, whose philosophy is to live life with a “healthy attitude,” demonstrates in a YouTube video how to make a daily colon cleanse that will “help with everything to get your day started.”
Start by brewing 8 ounces of water in a tea kettle or microwave. Add 2 tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to the warm water. Next, stir in 1 full tablespoon of raw organic honey.
Mellon reminds viewers to look for the USDA label on the honey jar. She explains organic honey “looks clumped up, not liquid like the regular honey you find in the store.” An article on verifies Mellon’s assertion, explaining, ‘regular’ honey is stripped of many of the vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes that make raw honey so good for you. Further, raw honey has properties that make it anti-viral and anti-fungal, while ‘regular’ honey often contains high fructose corn syrup and is sometimes treated with antibiotics.
Once you have stirred your super healthy raw organic honey into the warm water and apple cider vinegar solution, you are all set. Mellon recommends sipping the drink every morning before breakfast.
“It will completely boost your energy level, really help your digestive system, and really help balance out your body all together,” says Mellon.
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