7 large dills, pickling cucumbers unpeeled sliced thin
1 1/2 cup sliced onions
1 1/2 cup sliced red peppers
1-tbsp salt
1-cup white vinegar
2-cups sugar (or stevia)
1-tsp celery seed
1-tsp mustard seed


Mix cucumbers, onions, peppers and salt in one bowl and set aside
Put vinegar, sugar, celery seed and mustard seed in a cooking pot and bring to a boil
Remove from heat and let cool for one hour before pouring over cucumber mixture
Pour mixture over vegetables
Put in jars and store in refrigerator
Will keep up to 2 months
Makes 2 quart jars

Please let me know how this recipe turns out for you in the comments! Your feedback means the world to me, and your star ratings encourage other readers to make the recipe. Thank you!

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