
Chia Seeds Benefits & How To Prepare Energy Chia Drink

It is commonly known that its origins are from Mexico and Central America, where these seeds played an important role in the diet of the Mayans and Aztecs.

Chia Seeds Nutrition Facts

Today chia seeds are very popular among people. With its nutritional value, chia seeds contains a balanced blend of protein, carbohydrates, fat and fibers.

Actually, chia contains 5 times more calcium than milk, 3 times more iron than spinach, 3 times more antioxidants than blueberries, and 2 times more potassium than bananas.

Chia seeds are also very rich in omega-3 fats.

Just by adding 2 tablespoons of chia seeds into your daily diet, you will provide 7 grams of the recommended dose of fiber, 4 grams of proteins, 5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, 18% of the recommended dose of calcium, 35% of phosphorus, 24% magnesium, and 50% manganese.

Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds can aid in encouraging the immune system, preventing cardiovascular disease by reducing cholesterol, triglycerides and high blood pressure.

Chia seeds can also help patients with diabetes to use insulin more efficiently.

Eating Chia before meals reduces appetite, gives a feeling of satiety as well, and increases the level of energy, which is the main reason why the seed is so popular for people who are dieting and trying to lose weight.

If you include chia seeds in your diet, you will help not only your physical health but your mental health too. Studies show that chia seeds help patients with bipolar disorder, in reducing depression and other negative feelings as well.

Chia seeds doesn’t have taste, but included in other meals, they give the most important nutritional values.

You can consume it raw or sprinkle some on smoothies or juices, cereal, rice, yogurt or vegetables.


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