Apple Snickers Salad


To make the Apple Snickers Salad, you just need 3 ingredients! Apples, snickers, and whipped topping!  Combine 3 chopped apples (I used Granny Smith for a little more tart flavor, but you really could use any apple you like), 3 chopped Snickers bars, and 1 tub of whipped topping (I used fat free to lower the calories even more)!

That’s it! It’s super easy and tastes delicious. After mixing, just pop it in the fridge so everything is nice and cold! Everyone loves it! Just note that this recipe doesn’t keep well for long. It was ok the day after, but add another day and the leftovers aren’t so good. So, you’ll want to eat it as quickly as you can!


Source : allrecipes.Com

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